Monday, October 18, 2010
Hey everyone! I'm finally back from a weekend of pure boringness. I pretty much did nothing with my 3-day weekend whatsoever (thankfully, every weekend is a 3-day weekend! I love it!) except there were some things I managed to accomplish.

The first thing(s) I have manged to accomplish this weekend are three new makeup tutorial videos on my ColtenDoesMakeupTV channel, which you can go and watch here. The makeup looks that I've done, however, are drag so they're not for everyone! You can if you so choose bring them down to a level that you feel is acceptable. I love makeup too much not to go wild so I think I'll enjoy doing drag looks. The next one I'm doing is one requested by a friend of mine (gothic, she says, not emo.) so I should have a lot of fun doing that. I'll probably do that when I go home today - in case you were wondering, I'm writing this at school to kill some time. I should learn to come better prepared.

The second thing that I worked on was my novel study for English 12 (ooh, how exciting!) which was The Five People You Meet In Heaven, which is a very interesting story in itself. If you haven't read it you must go do that now! It is an amazing read and will open your eyes as it did for me when I first read it when I was fourteen.

The third thing that I managed to accomplish this weekend was staying clean! My mother is always nit-picking me about the way that I don't clean up my messes when I finished making them but I managed to do the exact opposite of the "norm" and even did my laundry! I do love being active in the house, but not when I'm feeling well.

Which brings me onto my next topic. I think I'm coming down with something. For some reason, I have been so sleepy lately - you know that stupid feeling that you get when you haven't gotten enough sleep but you have so many things to do and you're trying to wake yourself up and shake off the sleeping dust? Yeah, well, I've been struggling to do that for nearly two weeks, so whatever is trying to take over my body must really be a big one.

Okay! Enough of the blabbiness of my ranting. Who else is excited for Rihanna's new album "Loud"? I am! It will contain my new favorite by her "Only Girl (In The World)" which you can now watch on Youtube of Vevo, where the video was originally posted. I quite like the video and it has, again, inspired me to make Youtube music videos! I'm so excited to get started, but I have to wait until I get my new camera! I hate money! Anyway, RiRi's new album is supposed to rival Michael Jackson's "Thriller", or so says RiRi's producers. So that makes it all the more exciting.

As well, I think Dead Or Alive is coming out with a new greatest-hits compilation called "That's The Way I Like It...The Best Of Dead Or Alive" which I'm interested to see if that doesn't do well. I would love for Pete Burns to keep making music! Although I have to admit ... with the way he looks now (as in today, 2010, not 2003 or 2006 when he was on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK), I can't imagine he'll be recording any new material anytime soon, which makes me sad.

Does anybody else think that the education curriculum in British Columbia is kind of stupid? I was flipping through my Graduation Transitions 12 material when I realized what my next step was (which I have to clear my name right now, I haven't worked very much on my GradTrans12 at all): creating a personal daily wealth plan for a week. What a stupid joke that is - who cares about what I'm going to eat during the week? As long as I eat and drink plenty of water I'll be fine! Urgh. Oh well. Talk about, "just take it like a man." Har har.

Okay lovies! I'll be back soon! Talk to you soon!

Oh, and don't forget to take a look at some of the links I left on the right-hand-size of my blog. You won't be disappointed. c;

- Colten.

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