Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Happy Happy Joy Joy
Hey guys, I'm back again! I'm currently at the Learning Centre here in Osoyoos and I'm bored! I have nothing else to work on (silly me) so I figured since I have about thirty-five minutes to kill, so why not rant about my wonderful life?

So I've started writing a novel, which I'm going to work hard on to actually finish, called "Danny". Of course, the main theme is that love triumphs over all, and there's a special way about how love triumphs in this novel. Anyway, the story revolves around a boy my age named Danny - duh - who doesn't really talk much. He meets a new student at school and the two soon form a bond and realize that they're both gay. They soon form a relationship and things start to change for Danny, and guess what? He starts talking again! This is going to be an extremely fun novel to write, I think, because Danny is the complete opposite of what I am, which makes it all the more fun!

As well, I just want to tell you that I'll be happily - and hopefully - moving to Kelowna sometime in December! I'll be staying with a friend of mine for awhile and once I have a car and some money stashed away to start fresh, I'll move into my own place and work until I have enough funds to live in either Vancouver or Toronto... I'm leaning more towards Vancouver because that way I don't have to put up with the Toronto smog or mosquitoes. At least I think the mosquitoes are still bad over there. Anyway, the main reason why I'm moving to Kelowna is to first of all get away from my mother - don't get me wrong, I love her to pieces but she can be extremely suffocating at times. Sue me if this is a horrible reason to move out but it's something I feel the need to do. Besides, every bird has to leave the nest sooner or later, don't they?

On top of that, I can now say that graduation is getting closer and closer... So far I've completed more than 60% of my Studio Arts 11 - a course that I started last year and couldn't finish due to interruptions and the mentality of 15-year-olds - and my Graduation Transitions 12 is almost finished; my Work Experience 12 is done! That just leaves Web Design 12, which I'm slowly but surely working on. (Obviously, writing a new blog post isn't getting the course done any faster but somebody seems to have misplaced the binder I was working out of...) So I'm happy with the way things are going.

In essence, I'm currently living a guilt-free, happy life. I hope it can always stay this way! For a long time, anyway.

Talk to you guys soon! I'll be sure to check in with you guys as soon as possible!

- Colten. xoxo

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