Tuesday, November 30, 2010
How Interesting
Hey all! So some very interesting things have been happening since the last time that I wrote a blog post. Very interesting indeed.

I'm amazed, if interested, in how lazy some people can be. Let me explain: this past Monday, I had an appointment scheduled to see a woman (I won't name names) at my bank to discuss student lines of credit. The main point of the appointment was to find out the difference between a bank's student line of credit and the government's student loan/grants, and how much the student line of credit covers for post-secondary education compared to student loans from the government (which I have done a rough estimate and it's just barely enough to cover the full cost of the makeup course at JCI). I brought my mother along just so then if we were to jump into things right away and apply for me to get a student line of credit from my bank, everything would be crystal clear and nothing funny was pulled.

The first thing that came out of the woman's mouth that I had the appointment with was, "I'm sorry, I haven't had much time to look over things... And I was just doing that before you came in."

Uhm, what? I had scheduled the appointment on Thursday I think it was, that or Friday afternoon when I didn't have much going on, so the woman I had gone to talk to had known well before hand that I had an appointment with her the following Monday and that I was interested in talking about student line of credit - which gave this woman a complete weekend to look things over and get an understanding of what the bank's policies were and whatnot about student lines of credit. This is not what had happened, hence why I said that I'm shocked, if not interested, about the laziness of some people. If there was a task that I had been given that I didn't know about, I would spend a weekend - or four hours, whichever - to cover what it was that I needed to cover in order to have a good understanding of what was going to be discussed on the up-coming appointment, so I was very disappointed in that. So when I got the call from Erin today, the admissions girl from JCI, I had to tell her that I didn't know anything yet because I was told to go home and do my own research about student loans and grants from the government, which Erin was outraged - with me, not at me - about. She even said, which gets me giggling now, "What kind of bank is that that they don't even want your service?" I replied, "Well, it's that woman that I went to talk to. I don't like her whatsoever." And it's true. I really don't. She tries to make things easier on herself but twisting words around to make it sound like the customer didn't do enough research, when really, she should have been the one to do the researching. So I'm going back into the bank this coming Monday and discussing with the manager about student line of credit and specifically telling her that the woman I talked to didn't know anything about it. I don't care if the manager gives heck to the woman I talked to; if you're given a task in your job, you need to know how to do it right.

Anyway. So that's that. As well, I have been doing massive amounts of work at school - so much so that I can't even properly sleep at night because my mind is in constant overdrive (more on that later). I've already completed my Work Experience 12 course, which was a breeze to do because I've already been working since I was 13 (which nowadays is almost considered child labor in Canada, HAHA) and I'm almost done my Grad Transitions 12 - there's two assignments that I need to do still, one of them I've already completed but still unsure of whether or not I should hand in or make sure it's as realistic as possible, and the other I'm still confused about even though Sharron, my instructor, has tried to bang it into my head a million times what I need to do. Oh well. On top of having those courses (almost) completed, I've also completed my Web Design 12, which was a breeze and I didn't realize how quickly I would have it done - I still need to do a demonstration for Miles, my other instructor at the learning center, but that's at his direction which he still needs to do. He's a very busy man, and in some ways I feel almost sympathetic towards him about how busy he is. He's very popular at the learning center. So all I have left to do is Business Information Management 12 (which is just working with MS Office Publisher 2007), Studio Arts 11 (a course I started last year but couldn't complete because other things were distracting me from getting it done) and English 12, which I have about 5 to 6 more units to do (think of these units as assignments - that's it!). A few loose ends to tie up and that's it! I'm done! I've completed Grade 12 successfully.

Anyways, I'm being rushed off of the Internet so I will give you guys more updates soon!

Stay gold!
- Colten.

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